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Links are organized into the following groups

Darrell also maintains a set of links on his website that is worth looking at.


A closed group but still with a serious amount of research.
Ontario chapter of Regia Anglorum a Re-enactment society in England that spans the Viking and Anglo-Saxon eras, as they dominantly happened in England
DAS Hompepage
UK based group
The Huscarls Dark Age
Australia based group
Reik Felag
Burnaby BC based group
The Vikings - North America
US based group with several subgroups
Ravenstead Household
SCA based Norse household - not responding on Dec 31, 2010
Viking Age Club of the Sons of Norway
Minnesota based group
Longship Company
Maryland based group which owns and sails replica boats.
International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
Gateway for archaeology, literature and more.
(Toronto Vinland Vikings) Local Ontario group of The Vikings.
Regia Anglorum's project to build a Saxon fortified manor - England
Viking Age Combat Group - Denmark
Viking Age Combat Group - Denmark
A norwegian group with a wonderful set of museum photos


L'Anse aux Meadows, NHSC
Viking outpost at the North end of the Newfoundland.
Fotevikens Museum
Swedish museum at Malmo
Ribe Viking Center
Toruist experience asociated with the museum in Denmark
York Archaeological Trust
Runs the Jorvik Viking Center, and publishes a number of books
The Jorvik Viking Centre
Viking Experience at York England
Norway's first town
Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga
Smithsonian's companion site to their 2000 exhibit.

Sagas & Language

An Icelandic-English Dictionary
A text and Page-Image version of Cleasby and Vigufsson's dictionary
Indo-European Language Resources
The Germanic Lexicon Project
Development of the Norwegian runes
A great introduction to the norwegian runes. It also has links to other sets of runes
Arild Hauge's Runes and Vikingpage
Additional runesets from the same source
Old Norse for Beginners
An old norse course run by Icelanders with an accompanying yahoogroup
Pronunciation of Old Norse (standard)
A pronounciation guide to accompany the course
Digitised texts - EGIL
More digitzed texts about Iceland including Egil's and Hakoon's sagas
The Bynames of the Viking Age Runic Inscriptions
An article documenting bynames in runic inscriptions
Runes, Alphabet of Mystery
A collection of brief articles about runes, but from a standpoint of divination - use with care.
Free Eddas and Sagas on the Internet
Links to various sagas in old norse
The Arnamagnæn Collection
This is the Icelandic museum which houses the saga collection.
Old Norse e-texts
Sophus Bugge's versions of the Sæmundar Edda (1867)
Project Runeberg
Project Runeberg is a volunteer effort to create free electronic editions of classic Nordic (Scandinavian) literature and make them openly available over the Internet.
ORB -- Secondary Sources For Medieval Scandnavia
Online Reference Book for Medieval studies
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is working to move online a lot of out of copyright texts including many versions of sagas.
Hurstwic Norse Literature
A good short introduction to norse literature and writing
Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar
Old Norse version of the saga
Links to several sagas in old norse
Online Medieval and Classical Library
Online collection of medieval texts including many sagas translated into English
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
A variety of sources and excerpts arranged by topic area to aid in teaching about history
Electronic Beowulf
Manuscript image based edition of Beowulf
A saga search engine which shows images of saga manuscripts.
Modern religous group but an absolutely first rate collection of sagas and language resources such as Old Norse dictionaries/


Viking Ship plans
Plans for the skuldelev 3 & 5 boats
Longship Company
A group which owns, repairs and sails replica viking longships in the NE US
Viking Ship Museum
Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde Denmark
Nordic Underwater Archaeology
A sources for contacts, projects, articles and so on
Nordic Replicas
A collection of links to various replica longships

Equipment & Supplies

Historical Footwear
A series of discs and documents for sale with patterns and instructions
A Simple Medieval Shoe
From Parliment street in York
Footwear of the Middle Ages
Marc Carlson's excellent site on footware
A Replica Viking Chest, Based on the Mastermyr Find
Good instructions for reproducing
How to make a replica of a Viking Table based on the Sala Hytta Find
Not entirely sure of the interpretation as a table but good instructions
Time Warp Textiles
Interesting textiles


Oxbow Books
A great source for viking era research materials, also has a North American outlet (David Brown books)
ABE Books
A wonderful source for used books
York Archaeological Trust
A good collection of books about the Jorvik Dig site
Medieval Institute Publications
Publications site from the folks who host the International Congress on Medieval Studies
Books on Vikings in Ireland
A useful source for specific material including the Dublin excavations
Four Courts Press
Some interesting archaeology titles


Frojel Discovery Programme
Public access site for the Gotland archaeology program
Picture stones - Museum of Gotland
A virtual tour of the hall with the picture stones
Frojel Newsletter
Four volumes available online
Archaeological news and links


Viking Siege
A Freeware Tafl Game


Sun Compass
Eric Topegaard's Alternate explanation of the Sun Compass
Scandanavian Daymarks
Telling Time Without a Clock: The Scandanavian Daymarks
Viking Society for Northern Research
Some good articles and books for sale. The VSNR website has other links including to their works available free on a separate website
Bibliography of Old Norsw Icelandic Studies
A selective list of articles
Arms and Armour of the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age
A regia Anglorium article
Viking Art: Ornamentation styles and the picture stones.
A lot of broken links make commenting difficult
Vinland Map - review
A book review article by Paul Saenger
Viking Fighting Arts from 23 Sagas
A collection of quotes about combat and weapons from sagas
Archaeology Magazine
Occasionally have articles of interest
Archaeology Data Service: homepage
Digital data from various sources
British Archaeology magazine, February 2001
Often has articles of interest
Viking Resources for the Re-enactor
Caroline Priest-Dorman's pages on various aspects of the Norse World
NOVA's viking page
Companion website for the Nova program on the vikings
Robin Wood's Home Page
This is Robin Wood's home page. He's the only full time pole lathe wood-turner left in the UK.
Slideshow - pole lathe
This is a slide show of Robin at work and it is very helpful in seeing the equipment in use.


A how-to guide
Leg Wraps
An article on leg wraps from Miklagard
Anne Blinks Textile Study Collection
A personal collection of textiles including tablet weaving and sprang
Seam treatments on the Viborg shirt
An extremely focussed article with images


Arkaeodok CD on Viking Beads
A very useful source documenting approximately 200 beads found in Gotland
Frojel - Beads
A good on-line collection of information from the frojel works
Bead Furnace reconstruction (Swedish)
Imme Struer
German site showing the creation of a bead furnace
Regia Anglorum - Anglo-Saxon and Viking Crafts - Glass and Amber Working
Not a bad introduction although with some obvious issues

Other Collections of Links

Irish and Viking
A collection of links with a decent breadth
      Updated: 31 Dec, 2010
Text © Karen & Neil Peterson, 2006
Photographs © Individual artists
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